Five Key Customer Experience Trends for 2020 to Watch

Five Customer Experience Trends for 2020 To Watch

Welcome to M4 Communications' Five Customer Experience Trends for 2020 To Watch. This has become an annual event here at M4. But before we dive in, let's take a look at where we are with Customer Experience. The Current State of Customer Experience So, where are we with Customer Experience (CX)? The answer to the [...]
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Mechanics of Measurement

Understanding The Mechanics of Measurement

For marketers to be successful, they can’t muddle through with blinders or rose-colored glasses on. They must be informed and know which marketing activities work, and which don’t. That means understanding the mechanics of measurement. Marketing and measurement are like lock and key. You need both to be successful and grow. Unfortunately, some marketers still [...]
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Is Sales Dead?

I remember when Bill Lee's post in Harvard Business Review came out in August 2012. There was outrage in the marketing community. Well, how could there not be outrage? The title of his post was "Marketing Is Dead". He was right - traditional marketing is dead. This is where I diverge. Mr. Lee notes "Traditional [...]
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